Did you know that it's possible to log all method calls as they occur in a running process in real time? How about injecting code to be executed inside of a running process? You can – via the magic of the rbtrace gem.

The rbtrace gem comes with two parts. The first is a library that you include in the code that you want to trace. The second is a commandline utility for querying trace data.

Let's take a look at a simple example. The code that we're going to trace is really simple. All we have to do is require the rbtrace gem.

require 'rbtrace'
require 'digest'
require 'securerandom'

# An infinite loop
while true

  # Do some work. 
  Digest::SHA256.digest SecureRandom.random_bytes(2**8)

  # Sleep for one second on every iteration.
  sleep 1

Now let's run this program:

$ ruby trace.rb &
[1] 12345

We take this process ID and give it to the rbtrace command line tool. The -f option indicates "firehose" mode, which prints everything to screen.

$ rbtrace -p 12345 -f
*** attached to process 12345
Fixnum#** <0.000010>
  Integer#to_int <0.000005>
    OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes <0.002223>
  SecureRandom.gen_random <0.002243>
SecureRandom.random_bytes <0.002290>

  Digest::Class#initialize <0.000004>
    Digest::Base#reset <0.000005>
    Digest::Base#update <0.000210>
    Digest::Base#finish <0.000006>
    Digest::Base#reset <0.000005>
  Digest::Instance#digest <0.000267>
Digest::SHA256.digest <0.000308>

  Kernel#respond_to_missing? <0.000008>
Kernel#rand <0.000071>

Kernel#sleep <1.003233>

This is really cool! We can see every method that gets called along with the time spent in that method.

If we wanted to home in on a specific method, we could use the -m option.

$ rbtrace -p 12345 -m digest
*** attached to process 12345
  Digest::Instance#digest <0.000201>
Digest::SHA256.digest <0.000220>

  Digest::Instance#digest <0.000287>
Digest::SHA256.digest <0.000343>

Probably the coolest use of this gem is to get a heap dump from a running web server. Heap dumps contain every object in memory along with a bunch of metadata and are very useful for debugging memory leaks in production.

To get the heap dump use a command like the one below, taken from this post by Sam Saffron.

$ bundle exec rbtrace -p <SERVER PID HERE> -e 'Thread.new{GC.start;require "objspace";io=File.open("/tmp/ruby-heap.dump", "w"); ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: io); io.close}'

Be warned though, heap dumps can be very big – on the order of a few hundred megabytes for a rails process. Here's a very small sample:

    "type": "ROOT",
    "root": "vm",
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    "type": "ROOT",
    "root": "machine_context",
    "references": [
    "type": "ROOT",
    "root": "global_list",
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    "references": [
    "address": "0x7fb7d300c5e8",
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    author photo
    Starr Horne

    Starr Horne is a Rubyist and former Chief JavaScripter at Honeybadger. When she's not fixing bugs, she enjoys making furniture with traditional hand-tools, reading history and brewing beer in her garage in Seattle.

    More articles by Starr Horne
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