Tutorials, product info, and good advice from the Honeybadger crew.
Ever wish you could monitor your PHP apps with the same features of your Ruby ones? Introducing Honeybadger for PHP.
Starr deploys a simple Sinatra application to Amazon's EC2 Container Service (ECS) and load-balances it across two availability zones.
Honeybadger is proud to be a bootstrapped business. We like that we've maintained control of our product vision. But it's not an easy road. Here are a few things you should know.
We are excited to announce that AlertOps is now integrated with Honeybadger!
I recently found myself using URI.join to construct certain some redirect URLs. But I quickly ran into a problem. URI.join wasn't behaving like I expected. In this post we trace the unexpected behavior through the source of URI.join and back to the original RFC.
Our co-founder and resident human exception tracker, Josh, recently went to Monitorama 2016. He brought back goodies to share with our team!
AptWatcher is a tiny Sinatra app that notifies your Slack channel about pending apt package updates.
We're talking official support for more platforms, as well as integrations with ops tools and customer service portals!
We have a new version of our Read API that provides additional data and advanced search.
Our npm package can now send us request metrics for Connect, Express and other Node.js web frameworks (or you can roll your own!).