Abiodun is a software engineer who works with Ruby/Rails and React. She is passionate about sharing knowledge via writing/speaking and spends her free time singing, binge-watching movies or watching football games.
Data structure and type validations are so essential in modern Rails apps. You've probably used Active Model validations and strong parameters, but did you know there is a better way? This article introduces the dry-schema gem—a faster alternative to the defaults!
RSpec provides tools that help you test the behavior of your Ruby objects. Join Abiodun Olowode for a tour of mocks, stubs, and spies—and learn how to use them in your Ruby projects!
If you define the same method on a class, a subclass, and a mixin, which one gets called first? Join Abiodun Olowode in an exploration of Ruby's object model!
Modern web UIs are complex. Traditional layout/template/partial techniques are not always the best fit. ViewComponent seeks to provide a better way. It's a framework for creating reusable, testable & encapsulated view components that integrate seamlessly with Rails. In this article, Abiodun Olowode shows us how to use ViewComponent to make our Rails views more manageable.
It's not every day that you learn a new approach to error handling for Ruby. In this article, Abiodun walks us through a novel error-handling process called Railway Oriented Programming and shows us how to implement it with dry-rb's monads.
Turbo and ActionCable make it a snap to create Rails applications that respond to user behavior in real-time. In this article, Abiodun shows us how to use them together to create a full-featured chat application in Rails.